Physical Education
Cheswick Green Primary School hopes to encourage all children to develop positive attitudes towards PE and school sport, improve health and well-being, cater for all abilities, allow every child to fulfil their potential, encourage lifelong participation, and provide competitive activities. We aim:
- To engage all pupils in regular physical activity in line with the recommendations from Youth Sport Trust and government guidelines, striving for our children to be active for 30 minutes a day in addition to their two timetabled PE lessons.
- To increase participation in competitive sport through our membership to South Solihull School Partnership.
- To provide opportunities for children to participate in a broad range of physical activities, providing variety and an introduction to as many sports and activities as possible.
- To develop children’s physical skills, enabling lifelong participation in physical activity through Get Set 4 PE.
- “To develop their physical skills as well as developing the whole child.”
- To encourage all children to achieve their personal best.
Cheswick Green Primary uses the Get Set 4 PE approach to teaching PE. This focuses on “progressive activities that are designed to inspire and engage pupils, allowing them to explore and develop skills and embed knowledge”. Teachers use interactive resources to support their teaching.
Cheswick Green has a curriculum map (see below) which sets out when Get Set 4 PE units are covered. Sports are taught during their season so that they can directly link to competitive opportunities.
The language of ‘personal best’ is used so that all children can achieve in a lesson no matter what level of physical skills that they have.
PE is taught through two lessons a week. These consist of a variety of different units from Get Set 4 PE. The Team Sport units are timetabled to allow the children to compete in South Solihull Partnership events with the optimum amount of preparation.
Extra-curricular: Cheswick Green Primary School provides a wide range of after school and lunchtime clubs. These provide opportunities for the children to participate in a range of activities and develop their skills further. The lunchtime and netball clubs are free of charge.
Competition: All KS2 children have the opportunity to take part in competitive sport through our Intra-Sports events which run termly. As a school, we subscribe to the South Solihull School Partnership, which provides many additional opportunities for all our children. We take part in numerous competitions, leagues and festivals against other schools via this partnership (known as level 2 competitions).
- Pupils will enjoy being active and keen to take part in lessons.
- The profile and expectations of PE and school sport will continue to be high.
- Teams will continue to perform well at Level 2 events.
- Pupils will be eager to represent the school at events and competition for team places will remain high.
- Pupils physical skills will continue to improve with more confident pupils overall.
- After school and lunchtime clubs will remain popular, meaning children are keen to continue refining skills and have developed an enjoyment for being active.
- Cheswick Green Primary School will maintain the School Games Mark of Gold for its commitment to PE and school sport.
- Cheswick Green Primary School will continue to make good use of the School Sports Premium and use it to raise the profile and provision of PE.
We aim to include all children in Physical Education and adapt our lessons according to different physical needs. This may include use of rest breaks and shortened or adapted tasks. There are examples of these adapted skills in the Real PE scheme of work that we currently use.